Postpartum: Ultimate Guide For What Mom Really Needs

Postpartum: Ultimate Guide For What Mom Really Needs

It’s been one week since I gave birth to my second son, Matias. This labor and recovery have been so different. I will be sharing our labor story later on this week. Postpartum is a reality which I don’t see many women speak openly about. Being in the realm of social media and digital influencing it seems all we see is, “how fast a woman bounces back?” How everything seems to be perfect after giving birth, but no that’s not the reality for the majority of women. The reality is we’re going through so many emotions, we’re physically in pain, and I’m here to talk about my real experience.

For first time mothers, giving birth and going through postpartum is the hardest. Why? Simply because you have no idea what to expect. You know labor will be difficult, and you try to prepare as much as possible. When I gave birth to Alessandro I went through the toughest time. There are no words to express how difficult it was. You can read his birth story here. After 24 hours of labor, and 40 minutes of pushing, I had torn and the ride back home from the hospital was brutal. I couldn’t even sit down. I came home and realized I had no mesh underwear, no pads, no tucks, nothing. I thought, “Why didn’t I prepare to take care of myself?” We prepare immensely for the arrival of our baby, making sure they have everything, but what about us? I had to give my husband a list, so that he could run out to the store and get everything.

This time around, I knew what I needed and prepared well in advance. This recovery has been much easier. I’m exclusively breastfeeding and have Mati attached almost all day long. It’s helping with my milk production and again this time around it’s much better. I also went through baby blues after my first pregnancy and I blamed part of my depression on the fact that we had just moved into a new home, and we had nothing in its place. This time around our house feels like home, but I am going through the baby blues again. I don’t blame anything this time around, I accept that this is normal. I know that 80% of women go through baby blues, and it’s okay. I do get major anxiety at night, I cried around day 4 & 5 at night for no reason. I felt my heart racing, and this anxiety take over my body that when I finally let myself feel, tears just started flowing out of me.

I’m feeling better with each passing day, my body is getting stronger and I know this time will pass. I’m just trying to enjoy every single second with Mati, because when I glance over at Alessandro I know for a fact that time flies.

I’m going to include a list here of all the essentials Moms need to be prepared for postpartum. I included lots of pajamas and comfortable robes. That’s all I’m wearing these days and making sure you have nursing bras and nursing tops makes things faster. I also recommend purchasing tucks, mesh underwear, cooling pads, sitz bath, and all those items necessary for your lady parts to recover. I included a water cup because I drink SO much water now that I am nursing. I carry my cup all around the house and make sure to refill it 4-5 times per day. If you plan on breastfeeding making sure you have nipple butter and plenty of nursing bras is a must. I also started wearing a postpartum girdle. I don’t wear it super tight, but comfortable enough, and only for 3-4 hours per day. Each week I’ll be wearing it longer, but for now a few hours per day helps.

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below. The power we have as women and mothers is indescribable. If you’re a soon-to-be mom just know that you will get through this 4th trimester. With faith, and a positive attitude you can get through anything!



  1. Cindy
    January 10, 2020 / 3:38 am

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m currently 5 months pregnant with my second baby I have a 2 year old daughter. And will have another baby girl. I feel like this this around my pregnancy has been so much harder, but I know all of this will be better.

    • Claudia Candelas
      January 10, 2020 / 4:16 am

      aww yes I definitely understand! The second pregnancy is much harder mostly because of our toddlers. But just know it’s preparing us for postpartum, wishing you the best!

  2. Lupita
    January 10, 2020 / 4:39 pm

    To be honest, I’m shocked to read about your postpartum experience with your firstborn. I agree as a new mom, the adjustment is the hardest because you don’t know what to expect but at the same time there’s so much info out there and moms willing to help out. With my first, I read like 6 books, tons of online articles, I got advice from moms and online chat groups and most importantly I had my mom with me. So my quarentena I was prepared and had my recovery kit (all the items you mentioned) and I would still reach out to my online community for advice. I had an easy recovery and successful breastfeeding journey, mainly thanks to all the info I got from moms. Now that I’m pregnant with my second I’m more at ease but reading, researching and seeking information on life with 2 and mainly how to deal with my toddler. But my point is, we have to ask for help and seek advice and not be afraid. There’s tons of moms out there who have lived through it and we are willing to listen, support, encourage and help.

    • Claudia Candelas
      January 10, 2020 / 5:13 pm

      Every woman’s experience is different. My mom helped me but didn’t tell me of what was needed postpartum. I read articles but not too many because there’s nothing like real life experience. Cuarentena is also practiced but for me being able to share my experience and connect with other woman who may not be in the same position as you is what it’s all about. Sharing that you don’t know it all is what makes you relatable, and that’s me. I don’t know it all, And I want to share what I went through because there’s no amount of books or articles that prepare you for the journey of motherhood.