Your Questions Answered + Outfit Deets!

Your Questions Answered + Outfit Deets!

Hello loves! Today, I’ll be answering the questions I received last week from my Weightless Journey post. I’m so happy with all the positive feedback! All I ever wanted when I started my blog was to inspire women, and that’s my purpose. So now let’s get started with questions.

Are you still breastfeeding, if not how were you able to stop breastfeeding your baby?

I’m not breastfeeding my son anymore. I stopped when he was 8 months, but he just naturally weaned off. I was honestly so sad, I wanted to breastfeed him until 12 months, but it just didn’t work out for us. My milk also dried up, and this little boy would eat so much. The first few months were definitely tough, but I’m so glad he took the bottle with no problems. My suggestion would be to try pumping your milk and see if he likes bottles. I do hear from a lot of moms how their babies wouldn’t take them and just wanted to be latched on. But try different methods, because as moms each of us is different, and what worked for me might not work for you.

I myself am a pescatarian, but just wanted to pick you brain a little in regards to what type of recipes you googled, and what was an example of your actual meal plan. Please if you don’t mind sharing id love to know! Also how did you decide on that type of tea?

I found lot’s of recipes on Pinterest too! I’ll give you an example of a typical day:

Breakfast: Oatmeal Pancakes, or Avocado Toast, or Oatmeal or Overnight Oats (recipe will be up this week so be on the lookout)

Lunch: Veggie Tacos, or Salmon Bowl, or Salad (also if I’m out for lunch I’ll stop at whole foods and grab something from their hot foods section)

Dinner: Lentil Soup, or Hummus Wrap, or Quinoa Salad, or Pasta (Bonanza brand)

for snacking in between I’ll have fruit, nuts, or a green juice.

For the teas I drink Trader Joe’s Turmeric+Ginger tea and the Yogi Blueberry Slim tea. I choose these by trial and error, I would just drink different ones and see which one I loved the most. I love drinking Golden Milk at night too. I’ll share the recipe this week.

What are your home exercises, may you share them? 

I actually filmed a video with some awesome exercises you can do with or without a stroller at home or in your backyard:

Did you vaccinate your baby? 

Yes, but on a delayed schedule.

Where do you go grocery shopping? 

I love going to either Whole foods or Trader Joes. I’m so happy to see more grocery stores providing organic options. I also go to the local Farmers Market on Sundays.

Do you always cook organic? 

I would say 90% of the time I do try and cook with only organic ingredients, you honestly not only taste the difference but your body will thank you in the long run.

What’s your daytime skin routine, and when do you have time to apply products? 

I’ll actually be sharing my skin routine this week! I apply products in the morning right before baby wakes up, and at night as soon as I put him to bed.

How do you balance work and baby? 

This is a tough question, it’s hard working from home and also taking care of the baby. My husband does help me ALOT, right now we’re going through a huge transition at home so we’ve had to rearrange some things to be able to make it happen.

What was the hardest thing about your weightless journey, and how did you stay motivated? 

I feel like the hardest part was definitely saying no to temptation. It’s so hard especially when you go out with friends and family. It’s all about making the healthy choice first and then it does get easier. I stay motivated by just thinking back on how far I’ve come, I also have a vision board in my office to keep me going.

How many times a week do you work out? And for how long? 

I do Soul Cycle at least 2 times per week. I also love going to Montgomery Hill in San Jose. I try and do at least 45 minutes to 1.5 hours.

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