Mommy Life Update

Mommy Life Update
Hello! Wow, I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve blogged. Today my little bundle of joy is 1 month old. This past month has been the biggest learning experience.

Being a mom is a tough job, but it’s so rewarding. I was telling my husband how I don’t know what life was like before our baby. He brings us so much happiness. We love him so much it hurts, and he gives me unexplained energy. I could be running on 3 hours of sleep, and when I see him I get a burst of energy. I wanted to give you an update on mommy life. My life has changed so much, and I’m learning something everyday.

First Week 
I want to be honest with you, the first week when we got back home from the hospital was the hardest. Let me tell you that the baby blues are such a real thing. Being a new mom you have no idea what life will be like when you get home with your little one. We arrived back home on a Sunday, and I had been up for about 48 hours (maybe longer). I was tired, but it didn’t hit me since I was still with this adrenaline rush. We had a little bassinet for our baby ready to go in our room. The first night was so hard because he did not want to sleep in it. Of course as a new parent you’re prepared with what you think you’ll need, but once the baby comes you don’t know what he will like. Every time I would put him down he would cry, so I essentially carried him the whole night. I was so exhausted, and I kept trying different places to lay him to sleep that were safe of course, but he didn’t like any of them. Also, he wanted to be latched on to me 24/7. After a couple days, I was sitting on my couch breastfeeding, and tears just started rolling down my face, I was crying my eyes out. Please don’t get me wrong, I was happy beyond measure, but my hormones were all over the place. I was beyond exhausted, and in pain not only from breastfeeding, but from labor.  Your body feels sore from all kinds of places. Also, I was starting to get anxiety, and it got worse at nighttime. During my pregnancy I was not emotional at all. But now, I was super emotional, crying all the time, which is not normal for me. Finally, I decided to co-sleep. The dockatot has been such a game changer for us. He absolutely loves it! I totally recommend it to anyone who is thinking about co-sleeping. I also found that putting him on a breastfeeding schedule helped so much versus having him latched on all day. I kept reading article after article to find ways to get this new routine down. Finally with the help of my mom and mother in law I was able to learn different ways that worked for the baby and me. Each day that passed by, it kept getting better. Now, I got it down, and Alessandro sleeps well, he is on an eating schedule and I’m actually getting sleep. My husband is also such a huge help, during the day he’ll watch the baby so I can work, sleep or run any errands. 
Right from the beginning I knew I wanted to solely breastfeed. It’s amazing how our bodies are made for this. Baby Alessandro latched on so quickly as soon as he was born. The first couple of days were a little difficult because I wanted him to get a good latch. Also, since he wanted to be latched on all day, my nipples were sore and cracking. (I know TMI…sorry!) What helped me was applying nipple cream and my own milk to my nipples. It helped them heal quicker. I’m still going strong with the breastfeeding, and trying different things to help me produce more milk. My milk supply is great, but still anything helps 🙂 If you have any tips please let me know. 
Exercise & Diet & Body
I’m not on any diet because I’m breastfeeding, but the first 2 weeks I ate nothing but warm soups, oatmeal and nothing with too much fat. When I gave birth I was 178 pounds, that’s right I gained close to 50 pounds during my pregnancy. A lot of it was water retention because I have lost 30 pounds already and my swelling went down tremendously. It’s crazy how weird your tummy feels after you give birth. The first week I obviously still looked like 6 months pregnant. But after 3 days after coming home from the hospital I wore a girdle. It helped with my back and also with holding everything together. Your uterus and organs are still going back into place and it helped SO much. I still wear my girdle, and will be wearing it for the next 3 months. There are two girdles that I have and wear everyday. Bellefit girdle  which is super comfortable and can be worn underneath your clothes. I wear this one when I go out and also at night to go to sleep. Ps: If you’re interested in purchasing make sure you use this discount code for $20 off: 9ZGH20 
The other girdle I use is from Amazon, and I wear this one during the day. I love this one because you can adjust how tight you want it and it comes with 3 pieces. You feel so much support, and it feels great! Hopefully I’ll be given the green light in a couple of weeks to work out. I miss hitting the gym, and I’m excited to share my  weight loss journey with you! Also, I’m applying stretch mark cream day and night. I didn’t get any stretch marks on my tummy but I did get some on my legs. Applying cream and making sure the area is moisturized is helping. 
Well, that’s my update! Please leave me your experience or any tips below. I love reading them!

Game Changers (products that we absolutely LOVE)

Outfit Details: 
Dress: SHEIN
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Photography: Nathalie Bize
