Our Pregnancy Story

First of all, we want to thank you for your support, positive vibes, and well wishes. We truly thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are overwhelmed with joy and could not wait to share the news with you!

Today, I wanted to share with you our pregnancy story, and how we found out I was pregnant. My husband and I started trying about a year and a half ago. I thought it would be easy, and it would happen right away, but it wasn’t. I always had faith it would happen because God’s timing is perfect, and I’m a firm believer in that. But after months and months of seeing negative tests it starts to mess with your head a bit. I don’t know if any of you can relate to this, but it truly takes a toll on you emotionally and mentally. I started thinking the worst, but my faith always kept me lifted. Finally my husband and I decided to get away and take a month long vacation abroad. We went to Spain and we just enjoyed time together. At this point I had already told God that I accepted his plans and timing. I was okay with it, and my heart was at peace. Well we come back from Spain, and two weeks later we were shocked with the news we were about to receive. I’m an early bird and the day I found out I was pregnant I had totally overslept. I was heading to school to turn in an assignment, but had woken up late and was barely going to make it on time. I realized I had slept for about 10 hours, and thought to myself, “okay thats super weird.” My body just felt beat, I was so exhausted. I decided to take a pregnancy test because at this moment I realized I was a couple days late. A few minutes pass by, and I look at the test…it was positive. I couldn’t believe it, so I took another one, and still positive. My heart dropped to the ground and I just kept saying…”no it can’t be.” I thought I was imagining that second line on the test. For some reason I just couldn’t believe it. I called my husband because he was on a work trip, and told him the great news. We decided to not get too excited until we were 120% sure. I went to school, and stopped by the store to pick up different pregnancy test brands. I took 5 more tests, and still positive. I’m telling you I was in complete shock, so the next day I went to the doctor and they confirmed my pregnancy. My husband and I were so happy we just couldn’t believe that God had blessed us with this gift. The doctor told us the due date which confirmed our blessing. The baby is due July 28th which is our wedding anniversary. At that moment I knew God was sending us a gift and everything would be okay. I took this as a sign to stop freaking out, and just be grateful.

We are so happy to be starting our family, and to share our journey with you. For all of you who are in similar situations, be patient and never stop believing. The doctors told us it would be harder for us to have children, but against all odds it happened. We are blessed to be able to share our story with you. People say it happens when you least expect it, and I didn’t believe it until it happened to us. We stopped stressing about it and just accepted Gods plans, and that’s when it happened. 
Pregnancy Update:
Morning Sickness
I’m now going onto 15 weeks, and starting to feel much better. Let me tell you that from week 5-13 I was mostly on the toilet throwing up with the worst morning sickness. I was in bed most of the days because I was so sick and couldn’t get out of bed. The best way to describe the first trimester is having a 3 month long hangover. My stomach would turn with certain foods and I just didn’t feel like eating. I was having a lot of food aversions and nothing seemed appetizing. It was rough, and I’m happy all that has finally settled. 
The fatigue was so real, I was so sleepy throughout the day. I couldn’t function without taking a nap midday. And it’s not just a, “oh I’m tired” it’s a real exhausting feeling where even your muscles hurt. 
Food Cravings
The first trimester I did not have any food cravings at all. I actually would force myself to eat because I had to or else I would feel even more nauseous. The one thing that surprised me was the hunger pains. As soon as I found out I was pregnant my hunger changed. I had to eat every 2-3 hours or else I would throw up. Eating snacks and small meals helped with morning sickness and nausea. Also, during the night I would wake up and have a snack because the hunger would wake me up in the middle of the night. Now the cravings are coming in, but they’re not super crazy. The good thing is I don’t crave anything unhealthy which is something I thought would happen to me. (whew)

Constant Urge to Pee
I haven’t had a full night sleep without having to wake up to go to the restroom at least 3 times during the night. 
I’ll be keeping you updated with my pregnancy and again I’m so excited to be sharing this experience with you! 
