5 Things I Do Every Monday

Hello my lovelies! Hope you’re all having a wonderful Monday! I wanted to share with you some of the things I do every Monday to make sure I start the week off right. 
1. Every Monday is a fresh start, set goals and go! 
To make sure I accomplish all my goals, I write everything down that I want to accomplish in my agenda. No matter how small the task may be,  I write it down. It makes everything more organized and I hold myself accountable to everything on my “to-do list.” 
2. Never skip a Monday at the gym. 
I’m not naturally thin, I have to workout at least 3 times per week and eat healthy to maintain my weight. The gym is a requirement for me, and one thing I never do is skip a Monday. I like starting my day early with a workout that way I have the rest of the day to work. 
3. Grocery shop to make sure you eat healthy! 
If I eat like sh*t then I feel like sh*t. It’s so important for me to eat healthy, and usually on the weekends I tend to get off track. So on Mondays I restock my refrigerator with healthy food, including lots of fruits and veggies. I also do a vegetarian diet on Mondays to cleanse my tummy after the weekend. The next day I feel less bloated and it’s a great way to kick off the week. 
4. Clean Up
Before heading out the door for the day, I always make sure my apartment is tidy. Leaving the house knowing it’s messy gives me major anxiety. Also once you get home from a hectic day you’ll love arriving to a clean home. Take a couple minutes to clean up before heading out and you will see a difference in how you feel. 
5. Stay positive & imagine how you’ll want to feel Friday. 
Being positive every day might seem impossible, but you have to train your mind to think this way. Seeing positivity in every situation is something that can change your life. I learned how to do this a few years back when I was working for a media company. Some people around me were so miserable they would just want to bring everyone down with them. Not me though, I did not let them get to me, and I would smile and just think positive. I would tell myself that as long as I was positive and did the best job possible everything would work itself out. Another thing that I did was leave all my problems at the door, never coming into work in a bad mood and ALWAYS smiling and radiating good energy. 

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