Sobremesa with my husband is one of my favorite parts of the day. We love coffee and enjoy a cup or two daily. Growing up, coffee was a big part of our lives, my mom would wake up bright and early each day to prepare the whole family a pot. A warm cup of Nescafe Clasico is the perfect way to reconnect with your loved ones. Whether you’re prepping for work in the morning or winding down after a long day. Coffee is always a reoccurring theme in our household.
NESCAFÉ® CLÁSICO™ is the leading coffee for Latinos in the U.S. It is 100% pure coffee, made from a blend of selected coffee beans, carefully roasted to capture its full flavor and aroma. The smell just gets me every time!
The Sobremesa project is brought to you by Nescafe and it’s a moment you share with your loved ones after a meal reconnecting and sharing stories. Check out their Sobremesa Project and don’t forget to show them some love on Facebook.
My husband and I prepared a video as well, sharing our sobremesa moment. Check it out here:
Please share your own Sobremesa and share it on your social channels, tagging @NESCAFELatino
and using the hashtag #MomentoNESCAFE