Last Day of Program

Today was the last day of our study abroad program. I can’t even believe how fast it passed by! I am so happy to have been able to experience this trip with such amazing people. I will be forever grateful for this experience and for being able to have Dr. Cabot and his wonderful wife as teachers in this excursion. I could not have imagined it any other way. Our last day of instruction we had a nice lunch at the Mexican restaurant we visited earlier in the week. We all ate, laughed and enjoyed the last few hours with each other. Since I had been fighting a cold the entire week I decided to rest and just take it easy since I had an extra 3 weeks of traveling left. 🙂 Please stay tuned for the rest of my trip since I will be blogging as I go!

Last dinner in Madrid!

Group Shot!
SJSU Global Leadership France/Spain 2014 