20 Random Things About Myself…


I am currently recovering from a wisdom teeth extraction. Yes, I’m pretty old to barely be having my teeth removed but it had to be done. 🙁
I’m stuck resting at home for the next week (which is hard for me since I’m a super on the go type of person all the time). I wanted to share with you 20 random things about myself that you probably did or did not know 🙂

1. I am a full blooded Mexican (My parents are from Zacatecas)
2. I am the oldest of 5 siblings…AND the only daughter meaning I have 4 younger brothers
3. When I was younger I was so serious about being an astronaut ( I was inspired when I gave a speech about Sally Ride in 3rd grade)
4. My biggest fear is failure
5. I have the biggest obsession with 2pac… ever since I can remember
6. I was born and raised in San Jose (ESSJ!)
7. I once ran an entire half marathon with absolutely no training (yeah I was in crutches for about 3 days lol)
8.  I taught catechism for 5 years (and seriously contemplated being a nun)
9. The best meal I could EVER have is at home (my moms cooking is out of this world)
10. My first job was at Cold Stone creamery when I was 16
11. I got a my real estate license when I was 18
12. My favorite clothing growing up were: Dickies and 2pac t-shirts
13. When I’m super stressed or need to think I like to drive and just listen to music (and waste a lot of gas)
14. My ideal date night: Giants Game + Margaritas
15. It took my 3 times to pass my drivers license test (yes…i’m a terrible driver and I can admit it)
16.  My full name is Claudia Consuelo Candelas (Consuelo after my grandma)
17. One day I’d like to open up my own non-profit to empower women to pursue their dreams and a higher education
18. I cuss like a sailor…especially in Spanish
19. I will be studying abroad this summer in Paris, France
20. I’m currently in grad school studying mass communication (received my undergraduate degree in public relations)

My brothers and I 
